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Initial Contact

Valufinder identified and reached out to organizations we never even thought about as potential sellers. They introduced us to several excellent companies that as far as I knew had not been on the market. Valufinder found the right company for us and assisted us in completing the transaction. The acquisition lifted our company to the next level. We appreciate their help and responsiveness and look forward to doing more deals with them. - Miguel Nistal
Executive Vice President
JP Industries

Valufinder approaches the selected companies by cold calling, mailing, emailing and through introductions arranged by personal relationships with executives within an industry. Our initial goal is to provide the potential seller with as much information as desired about market pricing, types of transactions and their details, alternative deal structures, and, of course, information about the potential buyer. If the seller is not ready to go forward at the time of initial contact, then Valufinder will maintain contact at agreed upon intervals, utilizing the previously mentioned, proprietary contact management system.

Understanding Seller Issues

While the seller is not our client in buy side searches, we typically develop strong relationships with sellers, often over many years, because of our constant contact and our honest communications. We strive to understand the motivations and goals of the seller in seeking to do a transaction. Valufinder assists in developing deal priorities and in discriminating between facts and emotions. We are in a position to respond to the fears and stress a private seller experiences when selling their business. To accomplish these goals, Valufinder brings to the seller our ability to listen, insight based on experience, and focus.


Only when the seller decides they are ready to explore the possibility of a transaction do we arrange an introduction to a buyer(s). The seller's comfort level is most important and we, therefore, normally suggest a conference call to introduce both sides to each other.

Act in such a way that you always treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, never simply as a means but always as an end. - Immanuel Kant

How We Select a Buyer

Selecting a buyer(s) requires more than simply matching a buyer's criteria with the characteristics of a seller. We also assess the buyer's eagerness to do a deal. We focus on the availability of both financial and human resources needed to consummate a deal. Further, we evaluate additional factors, including our personal experience with the buyer. How a buyer deals with us is a strong indicator of how they will deal with the seller. A difficult buyer is less likely to get our call than a buyer who is responsive and fair-minded. We restrict the number of buyers to a small number, sometimes only one.